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Give Me Five 哥, 你好 Give Me Five 哥, 你好

Paisley . 1797 Videos
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movie , trailer

About :

Give Me Five 哥, 你好 Give Me Five 哥, 你好 中文 線上看
Xiao Wu lives an unsuccessful life with his father, who is struggled with Alzheimer\'s disease with only inconsistent memories of her wife left in mind. To help arouse his father\'s memories, Xiao Wu returns to his father\'s old house to look for clues of his mother. When he picks up an aged notebook and a roughly made ring, something extraordinary happens to him...

与父亲老伍(魏翔 饰)终年不合的小伍(常远 饰)阴差阳错回到80年代,意外搅黄了父亲与母亲大陆(马丽 饰)的初次相遇。为了纠正这个错误,他想尽办法一次次重返过去,鼓励老妈追老爸,让人啼笑皆非的闹剧不断上演。父母相遇相恋的命运,是否会因为小伍的干预而转变?尘封在父亲心里的秘密,又将如何慢慢揭开……

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Release Date:

in 1 year



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