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Children of the Mist st

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movie , trailer

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Children of the Mist Children of the Mist 中文 線上看
En las nubladas montañas de Vietnam del Norte, la joven Di tiene que decidir entre convertirse en mujer adulta y formar su propia familia o continuar sus estudios. La controvertida tradición de la comunidad Hmong del “robo de la novia” obliga a las chicas a perder su inocencia o caer en la tentación de una falsa independencia.

In the misty mountains of North Vietnam, Di, a teenage girl, is facing a difficult decision: to become an adult by starting a family of her own or continuing her studies. The controversial tradition of “bride-kidnapping” from the Hmong community forces girls to lose their innocence or give in to the temptation of false independence.

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Vietnam 線上看 預告 中文 Children of the Mist

Release Date:

in 2 years



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