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零下的激情 Less Than Zero

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movie , trailer

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零下的激情 Less Than Zero 中文 線上看
《零下的激情 Less Than Zero》是一部1987年的美國戲劇電影,非常寬鬆地改編自布雷特·伊斯頓·埃利斯(Bret Easton Ellis)同名小說。電影中,安德魯·麥卡錫(Andrew McCarthy)飾演克萊(Clay),他是一名大學新生,回家過聖誕節,與他的前女友布萊爾(Blair)和他的吸毒成癮者朱利安(Julian)共度時光。Clay, an eighteen-year-old freshman, comes back from his first term at a college in New Hampshire to spend his Christmas vacation with his broken-up wealthy family in Los Angeles. His former girlfriend, Blair, is now involved with his ex-best-friend, Julian. She warns Clay that Julian needs help: he is using a lot of cocaine and has huge debts. What follows is a look at the you...

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零下的激情 Less Than Zero 中文 預告 線上看 美国

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in 4 years



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